Thursday, May 31, 2012

More bands I plan to check out at Free Press Summer Fest Houston

More Free Press Summer Fest (@fpsf) Previews of What I Want To See

This is by no means comprehensive...the lineup is HUGE!

The Flaming Lips (They will perform Dark Side of the Moon) - @theflaminglips.
Here's an interview with 2995 and Wayne Coyne on their performance this weekend.

Wild Moccasins - Late Night Television - @wildmoccasins 

Love these guys and Songs From A Room Houston alums -- see those videos here.

See the full lineup here.  More tomorrow!


  1. Thank you for mentioning The Watermarks here. Although, we'll put a good show this Sunday, I'd recommend going to a regular show... There's a lot that we can't do or control when playing festivals shows. Either way, thanks again!

  2. Hello my name is Francia Sandoval and I am a reporter for The New School Free Press. I am interested in writing an article about Sofar Sounds. On their twitter page it said that you hosted an event I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions. Feel free to contact me at

    Thank you for your time,
